CalBRE License: 01481195
10841 Paramount Blvd. #203 Downey, CA 90241
We take applications on a first-come, first-serve basis, and the process takes approximately 3 business days.
Please note: our office does not accept incomplete applications.
To insure a timely processing cycle the following criteria must be met:
Include the property address and unit # (if applicable) you are applying for and the monthly rent listed.
The total income of ALL those applying must be three (3) times the rent (including co-signers income, if applicable).
We do a hard credit check.
Even if you recently ran your credit, we still would have to run your credit using our system.​
All persons over the age of 18 must submit a form of identification (including co-signers, if applicable).
Drivers License​
Permanent Alien Registration Card
All persons over the age of 18 must have a social security card or ITIN.
All persons who will occupy the unit MUST be listed on the application.
Co-signers must be listed as the main applicant.​
Provide 1 year of verifiable income:
at least three (3) recent pay stubs, bank statements, or income tax records.
An application must be filled out completely and signed.
The application must include contact information for your current landlord to verify your tenancy.
Qualifications considered, but are not limited to: credit score, income, and rental history
Common Reasons to be Denied
False information on an application
Evictions and/or Landlord collections in the last 10-years
Unsatisfactory references
Non-discharged bankruptcies
All persons on the application are held equally responsible for the terms on the Rental Agreement - if ONE person violates the Rental Agreement, ALL persons on the Rental Agreement are held liable.
Jervis Property Service, Inc. will not intervene when there are disputes between tenants that live together.
Make sure you have a clear understanding of your financial responsibilities before signing or making changes to your rental agreement.